Saturday 3 May 2008

Announcement: Performance by John Court (Cardiff)

John Court [Finland] ART TRA Sat. 3rd May 2008 duration performance 11.00 - 19.00
ART TRA will be a durational piece of 8 hours that expresses physically the frustration and confusion dyslexia causes for me. It will be a continuation of the body of work I have produced over the last ten years as a performance artist using the materials of traditional image making from the history of art: pencils, erasers, paper and paint.
Instead of a conventional statement, I am submitting an illustration of dyslexia: all and any of these permutations of the word art can appear to be identical to someone who suffers from dyslexia.
4th - 31st May 2008 installation exhibition [call for appointment]
TRACE: Installaction Artspace 26 Moira Place Cardiff CF24 0ET
t: +44 [0] 2920 407338

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